Providing Indigenous
GIS Mapping Solutions
Copyright Digital Navigators
Photo Credit: Rangiiria Kerr
Image Credit: Ta Derek Lardelli

2019 Finalist Award for People and Community New Zealand Spatial Excellence Awards
Welcome To
Digital Navigators - Te Ipu Arataki I te Taiao
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā hau e wha puta noa i te ao teena koutou katoa. Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Ipu Arataki i te Taiao.
Digital Navigators Te Ipu Arataki I te Taiao, provides expertise in analysing geospatial information and integrates a holistic Māori worldview to help whānau, hapu and iwi tell the stories of their people and their connection to the land and sea.

You’re in good company…

What We do
GIS Mapping services
We specialise in performing cultural and historical mapping projects and can customise digital geospatial solutions using the latest geospatial software.
What Our Customers Say About Us...
"I have used Moka’s services for a range of cases in which I have acted as lead counsel. I find him to be expert, competent, innovative, receptive and ultimately his abilities will ensure that the case or presentation is visually impactful and compelling. If you are dealing with land or territory, whether in the private or public law spheres, I unreservedly recommend Moka’s services. If you do not, your case or presentation will likely be that much less forceful than it could be."
John Kahukiwa (Partner)Corban Revell Lawyers
" Tena Koe Moka. The Waitangi panel have dubbed us the Iwi of the drones. The way of future presentations they felt. Generally also they commented that our presentation was one of the best they had seen in 23 odd years. Obviously a very pleasing result so a further thankyou to you for being a big part of getting us over the line."
Richard Steedman, Claims Manager Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust
“Kia ora e Moka. Aroha tino nui ki a koe mo o mahi tino taimaha, tino kaha mo matou katoa. Many thanks for going beyond the extra mile for us all. Others did comment on how much more interesting it was to see changing on screen information rather than just listening to a voice”.
Patricia TauroaWai 58